Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jog-a-thon Online Donations

Our annual jog-a-thon is coming up on October 1st from 9-3. Please click on your teacher's name to make an online donation! A portion of the funds raised goes right back to your student's classroom!

Mrs. Bush

Mrs. Rea

Mrs. Balgach

Mrs. Ferrando

Mrs. Sherman

Mrs. Lecco

Mrs. Venezia

Monday, September 26, 2016

Missing Addends Lesson

Narrative Writing Checklist

This is the checklist we use for narrative writing. We are currently using the first grade checklist, but in November we are moving towards the second grade expectations. Please use this resource to guide any Narrative writing at home. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Homework Websites

Here are some sites you can use to practice reading and writing at home! Students should already have usernames and passwords that were sent home at the beginning of the school year!

Our Blog Goal:

Welcome Second Grade Parents! The purpose of this blog is to create a home school connection by sharing work samples, informational videos, instructional resources, etc. to help you guide your student towards our end of the year goals.